Dead Girls Speak in Unison_Pafunda

We all understand the way some people will bend over backwards to make others happy. Rebellious women do that a little differently. The two girls in this poem by Danielle Pafunda might not be exactly tuned for making others happy. However, one could explain that the two girls are simply mirroring their short experience within society by only repeating words they heard their mothers say, slightly twisted by death. I could also suggest that these girls are alive within each of us and just now speaking out, empowered by poetry—finally.   

The Dead Girls Speak in Unison

Hush, now. 

In a house like ours,
stay quiet.
Keep moist

or your skin will split
and spill your secrets
across the carpet,

one stupid bagworm
after another.

Hush.  Do not disturb
our needles,
squalling thread. 

We’re stitching up
all your fancy mistakes.

We’re stitching up
your mother’s face.

We’re going to stitch you a new one.

We’re going to take our time.

Rebellious Women in Poetry (brought to you by rebellious women) is made possible by rebellious women. Reprinted from Delirious Hem by permission of the author whose newest collection, Manhater, is forthcoming from Dusie Press Books. She is an assistant professor of gender & women’s studies and English at the University of Wyoming. Introduction is by Susan Yount, publisher of Arsenic Lobster Poetry Journal and madam of the Chicago Poetry Bordello.

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